Springfield….State Rep. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) voted in favor today of a stopgap legislative measure to provide approximately $700 million in funding for providers of various human and social services. Bryant says SB 2038 is necessary to provide assistance to human and social service providers across the State of Illinois that have gone without reimbursement from the state during the 11 month long budget impasse.
“Today, I am pleased to announce my support for this critical funding,” Bryant said. “We must remember that this is just one step toward helping our human and social services providers, but it is important to get this money to the folks that need it the most as soon as possible. I was happy to support that effort by voting for this stopgap funding today.”
SB 2038 includes funding for mental illness and mental health programs, housing, and medications. It contains funding for teen parent services and programs to reduce infant mortality.
Further funding items in SB 2038 include meals on wheels for senior citizens, funding for assistance for victims of sexual assault, autism research and awareness, veterans rehabilitation services, independent living centers, senior citizen health assistance programs, and funding for dental care for persons with disabilities.
“We have a lot of work to do to get a full budget,” Bryant said. “I’m hopeful that the bipartisan compromise that was reached today is a sign of things to come as we approach the adjournment date of May 31.”