Rep. Bryant Named Farm Bureau "Friend of Agriculture"


Rep. Bryant Earns Endorsement of the Illinois Farm Bureau
First Term Representative Also Named 
Friend of Agriculture

Murphysboro....First-term State Representative Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) received the honor of being named a "Friend of Agriculture" by the Illinois Farm Bureau this week. Representative Bryant was also endorsed for re-election by the Illinois Farm Bureau ACTIVATOR. 

"Agriculture is Illinois' number one industry." Bryant said. "Southern Illinois' farmers grow the food that feeds the world. It is a tremendous honor for me to receive the Friend of Agriculture award and to be endorsed for re-election by the Farm Bureau."

Bryant noted that the 115th district is home to some of the richest farm ground in the entire world, and made special mention of the wide variety of products and services supported by Illinois' agriculture industry. 

"The farmers in my district grow some of the best beans, corn, and wheat in the world," Bryant said. "The climate for grape cultivation in Southern Illinois places us among the number one regions in the entire world for grape growing and wine production. Our wineries win international competitions for their wines. Southern Illinois is blessed with fertile soil and hard-working family farmers. Having the support of the agricultural community means the world to me. I want to thank the Illinois Farm Bureau and all of its members for their continued support."



Representative Bryant was presented the Friend of Agriculture Award during the opening night of the Murphysboro Apple Fest. Jackson County Farm Bureau Manager Jessica Grammer was on hand to present Representative Bryant with the award. 


2016 Friend of Agriculture Award Presented to State Representative Terri Bryant 

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Bryant E News - DuQuoin State Fair Parade and BIG News in Mt. Vernon

WHITE_LOGO.jpgWow, what a week! This week in review will cover a big recent endorsement, the DuQuoin State Fair Parade, and two major events in Mt. Vernon. Many of you have reached out to the campaign wishing for a yard sign. If you have a sign, great! If you want one, or if you want MORE, please call our campaign office at (618) 204-5686 and a volunteer will deliver it to you!

ABATE Endorsement!

The campaign started out the week by receiving the endorsement from ABATE PAC. I am honored to have the support of motorcycle enthusiasts and activists. A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc is organized for charitable, educational, civic, benevolent, social, and athletic purposes, including such purposes as the promotion of motorcycle use, acceptance, safety, and enjoyment. Thank you to ABATE PAC for your support!

DUQUOIN STATE FAIR TWILIGHT PARADE - Calling all volunteers and parade walkers! 

Next Friday August 26th, my campaign will be marching in the DuQuoin State Fair Twilight Parade. I would love to have you join us as the campaign season begins in earnest. I will have t shirts and plenty of candy available. If you wish to walk in the parade with us, please check out the details below. For more information please call (618) 204-5686 or email [email protected]. I hope to see you there!

WHAT: DuQuoin State Fair Twilight Parade

WHEN/WHERE: Friday, August 26th - Line up begins at 5:00 PM in the section of town by Banterra Bank and the MotoMart off Rte. 51. in DuQuoin and the Twilight Parade begins at 6:00 PM. 


I was very proud to participate in two very big announcements and ceremonies in the city of Mt. Vernon this week. First, Mayor Mary Jane Chesley and I announced the long-awaited release of critical grant funding from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. In total, Mt. Vernon will be receiving $1.9 million in grant funding to make improvements to the old Armory Building to make it a multi-use community facility. Another grant will make improvements to existing structures that are part of the city's parks system.

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It is important to note that these DNR grants can not be used for other purposes such as balancing the budget. I will continue to fight to bring state funding to Southern Illinois to put people to work and improve our communities.

It was a beautiful morning in Southern Illinois on Friday for the Ribbon Cutting and Dedication of Mt. Vernon's newly built high school. I had an opportunity to tour the new school and was impressed with the size and scope of the project. Students at MVTHS will have access to so many educational and technological tools in a beautiful new facility. Congratulations to the Mt. Vernon Township High School Board, faculty, staff, and members of the community that raised funds, and helped make this tremendous undertaking a success. Below are photos from the event and a picture of the front of the new Mt. Vernon Township High School.



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Mollys Law Headed to Governor's Desk

Bryant: Molly’s Law Headed to Governor’s Desk

Springfield….An intiative driven by State Representative Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) to change the statute of limitations to sue for wrongful death and to add stiffer financial penalties to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act for non-compliance has passed both the House and Senate and now heads to the Governor for his signature. The package of bills deemed by Bryant as “Molly’s Law” cleared a final hurdle on Tuesday evening.

““Today’s unanimous passage of HB 6083 out of the House is a victory for the Young family and I want to thank Molly Young’s father, Mr. Larry Young, and the entire Justice for Molly movement for their support for this bill and for their efforts to lobby their own elected officials to ensure that this bill passed,” Bryant said. “I worked hard to compromise with those that wanted to make some minor changes to this bill in the Senate, and I am very proud to announce it received unanimous support from my House colleagues this evening.

HB 6083 extends the statute of limitations for wrongful death cases to 5 years, instead of 2 as is the current law. Bryant says this change is important for families that are trying to get their day in court.

Earlier this week, the other piece of Molly’s Law, HB 4715, passed the House and moved to the Governor’s desk. That bill increases the maximum fine for public bodies that refuse to turn over documents under the Freedom of Information Act by order of a court to $10,000 and adds a fine of $1000 per day for every day the public agency is not compliant.

Bryant thanked her legislative colleagues, Molly Young’s family, and members of the Justice for Molly movement. Bryant says she plans to lobby the Governor hard to get his signature on the bills very quickly.

“I want to thank my colleagues in the House, and especially Senate Republican Leader Radogno for her leadership and for sponsoring these measures in the Senate,” Bryant said. “After introducing these bills I received multiple requests to make changes and have been up against the House calendar with regard to today being the last scheduled day of session. The members of Justice for Molly, and the family and friends of Molly Young worked tirelessly to promote this bill’s passage and they deserve much credit. I’ll be speaking with the Governor and his staff about signing these bills as quickly as possible.”

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Bryant Signs Letter to Governor, AFSCME Urging Negotiations Continue




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Bryant E News May 15 2016

Dear Friend, 

As the Spring legislative session winds to its scheduled adjournment on May 31, much work remains to be done. However, this week an encouraging note of bipartisan compromise was struck as a funding mechanism was found to provide financial assistance to the state's many social and human services providers for the 1st time in the 11 month long budget impasse. 

The bill, SB 2038, provides $700 million in emergency funding for mental illness and mental health programs, housing, and medications. It contains funding for teen parent services and programs to reduce infant mortality.

Further funding items in SB 2038 include meals on wheels for senior citizens, funding for assistance for victims of sexual assault, autism research and awareness, veterans rehabilitation services, independent living centers, senior citizen health assistance programs, and funding for dental care for persons with disabilities.

We have a lot of work to do to get a full budget, but I am hopeful that the bipartisan compromise that was reached this week on these critical items is a sign of things to come as we approach the adjournment date of May 31.

Support for Illinois Coal - Press Conference 
I was happy to join a press conference with fellow southern Illinois legislators in support of Illinois coal at the Capitol this week. My husband’s father raised 7 children on a coal miner’s salary. Good paying jobs for southern Illinois are one positive aspect of coal, but coal is an important part of Southern Illinois’ history.


 I will be signing on to sponsor legislation to create an incentive program for companies regulated by the Illinois Commerce Commission to put scrubbers on existing coal fired energy facilities that we have. This action would make Illinois much more competitive. Statistics show when Illinois burns clean coal it burns the hottest and cleanest, and Illinois coal is 3 times as powerful as coal mined in western states.

To view my comments during the press conference please click this link:

Sportsman's Caucus Grants
As a member of the board of directors for the Illinois Legislative Sportsman’s Caucus, I am proud to have awarded several grants on behalf of the Sportsman’s caucus to sporting organizations in the 115th district

This year I am very proud to be able to support young people involved in fishing and trapshooting clubs at southern Illinois high schools. The groups that received awards this year are all deserving of extra support, especially in these tough budget times.

Last week I awarded three $200 grants from the Illinois Legislative Sportsman’s Caucus to Trapshooting Teams at Trico High School, DuQuoin High School, and Pinckneyville High School last week. 

The money is granted by the Illinois Sportsman’s Caucus to help support the local clubs’ activities. No taxpayer dollars are used to
award the grants.


Pictured here with Rep. Bryant is Pinckneyville High School Principal Dustin Foutch


Terri presents a check to DuQuoin Trapshooting Team Coach Robert Huntley,


Terri presents a check to Trico High School's Trapshooting Coach and team, pictured L to R: Trap members Keegan Brooks, Jackson Doerner, Head Coach Chris Doerner and Rep. Terri Bryant.

Stay Connected!

As the campaign season begins, you will be receiving email from [email protected] You can always contact me there or you can now call my campaign office at 618-204-5868.

My legislative office in Mt. Vernon is staffed Monday through Friday and my legislative office  in Murphysboro is staffed Monday through Thursday, each from 8:30 to 4:00 PM. You can find me on Facebook to keep up with my travels throughout the district. You can email me directly at [email protected] or send me a message through the contact form on my website at


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