Terri Bryant: Illinois Budget for FY15 is “Irresponsible”

Murphysboro, IL…On Thursday, the Illinois House of Representatives approved their FY15 budget.  State Representative candidate for the 115th District, Terri Bryant, was disillusioned with the fact that the new budget assumes that the temporary 67% tax increase will become permanent.

The new budget of $37.3 billion is $2.8 billion higher than the projected revenue of $34.5 billion.  This budget is significantly higher than estimated revenue and effectively requires the temporary tax increase to become permanent in order to pay the bills.

“It is irresponsible for Illinois to pass a budget that clearly counts on keeping the temporary tax increase permanent,” said Terri Bryant.  “We need to focus on reducing our spending and paying down unpaid bills instead of spending ourselves into oblivion.  The last thing Illinois families and businesses need in this jobs climate is for this tax increase to continue.”

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